Bee Removal Specialists



We have performed many bee removals and swarm collections over the years, but prefers to focus on hive management & honey production. If available she still enjoys a good bee removal or swarm capture! We do home cut-outs or repairs on a case by case basis. Price TBD per extraction.

Bee Removal Specialists

Jodie Taylor

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 281-217-2225

Jodie is a first-generation beekeeper and a retired military officer. His transition from military service to beekeeping reflects his dedication to new challenges and his passion for sustainable practices. As a beekeeper, Jodie applies the discipline and commitment learned during his military career to nurture and protect his hives, contributing to environmental conservation and the well-being of his local ecosystem.


Brody Thompson

Brody Thompson is a first-generation beekeeper. He was mentored for years by a great man and now he remove bees with the help of his wife and kids. He relocates the bees, while educating people along the way.

  • 832-344-7006
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ed Veiseh (Cowboy Ed) - Ed's Bee Wrangling

Cowboy Ed grew up a navy brat and kept his first colony on honeybees on a dairy farm at the age of 12. He started doing cut-outs and swarm captures in 2014. He then went full-time with Ed’s Bee Wrangling in 2019.

Today, Ed sits on the board of directors for the Texas Association of Professional Bee Removers, while managing over 200 colonies on 23 farms.

Ed likes dogs, Lone Star beer, and anything jalapeno flavored.

  • 832-945-8322
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Carlos Hernandez

Carlos has over 14 years of professional bee removal and bee re-location experience in the Houston and surrounding areas.


Dan Jones - Houston Bee Man Dan

With Bee Man Dan, you can rest assured that he will remove and relocate the bees safely, without the use of any harmful chemicals or pesticides.

  • 281-798-2246
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact the Local Fort Bend Bee Keeper Association for advice and swarm removals in your area.
Visit website


Contact the Houston Harris County Beekeepers Association for removals in Harris county.
Visit Website


Texas Association of Professional Bee Removers have a great site for finding other removers in the state.
Visit website

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